@wa4wga @Goldfingas Because if you want to use Skype it’s already there.
@Blair_42 That works for me.
@wa4wga I suppose there’s also the possiblility of becoming a professional student.
@Goldfingas @wa4wga Find the version that’s compatible with your phone?
@wa4wga So change what you can and learn to accept what you can’t change.
@wa4wga You seem to have an objection for every piece of advice I offer.
@wa4wga Get your bachelor’s, go for a masters and then a PHD and then apply for a professorship somewhere.
@seedofeulogy They’ve only interviewed three. And they’re really messed up. One’s a straight-up con.
@CMBnet If there’s anything I can do to help you with the site let me know.
@wa4wga was helping out with prayers over there.
@seedofeulogy Oh well doesn’t that just figure. I hate congresscritters.
@WilJames Who are you there with? And have I mentioned how much you suck?
@bardsong Bad light slaves, bad!
@wa4wga Yeah really. Definitely glad to be back in the heat after being in the synagogue in Rocky Mount which is very old and heatless.
@GShang i’ll have to go dig it up again. I will provide some URLs when I find them.
@JamesScholes People with too much time on their hands. I like the HP books, but won’t put much effort into discussing characters.
@QueenofSpain Very sweet!
@GShang I can’t really put any store in anything Michael More says. After all, the guy rails against the oil corps and then invests in oil.
@bravetarheel I’ve never liked him. I don’t usually look to entertainers for my morals, but he’s always been one i just couldn’t stand.
@bravetarheel Kid Rock’s a punk.