@khoath It’s basically tea with spelda mixed in already that you can buy at the grocery store.
@squeakerbear you laugh now *and later!
@msippi They replace the original image on the server with a Softlayer image which is totally what screwed things up.
@msippi Just got Planet straight. Looking at Hurricane Electric. Planet has really pissed me off.
@CMBnet I sent him another message last week but he seems to be avoiding FB. Grin.
@CMBnet Everything on the web skips the really fast part and has dog in motion. Which is what it sounds like.
@CMBnet OK this is definitely a problem child. Lyrics aren’t on the insert for the 90210 soundtrack, and so far TBC
@CMBnet OK have the track which part of the lyrics are you having trouble with?
@CMBnet I think I may have that one, I’ll listen and see what I come up with.
@Mexi77 Yeah but you’re in Colorado. You’re supposed to be getting it. We’re not.
@solsticesinger Who’s reading it?
@mominisrael it should be able to scan the drive after that.
@mominisrael Does pecassa have a manual upload feature with a browse button? If so it should let you open my computer and then TBC
@mominisrael Can you access the external hard drive from the new computer itself?
@solsticesinger And I hope it’s unabridged.
@solsticesinger Oh is that finally on Audible now? That’s a really good book.
@Liamerven Yeah sometimes mine’s not passive either.
@tallin32 Get the stiff drink beforehand. It’ll make it all go down much smoother.
@WilJames I hate you. I really really hate you.
@wesderby @doronogr @squeakerbear That would be a question for your current host.