@Boyz_II_Men My sweetheart is the most kind, gentle, loving and amazing man I’ve ever met. I love him so much.
@SeveraSnape don’t worry it won’t be constant. Just easier when traveling.
@BryanAbrams i hope you and yours had a merry Christmas and have a very happy new year!
@SeveraSnape or other private locations.
@SeveraSnape Because it’s easier to post it that way than to type out a tweet on my new phone’s keyboard. Don’t worry, won’t post from home.
@campfireDan Yes it definitely is.
@quanin @samari76 @jamminjerry @shefoof Baileys whisky is the best. Feels all warm going down. Tastes great in coffee.
@quanin @samari76 @jamminjerry @shefoof Yeah they do. And it really is called The Love. Just go for straight whisky in your coffee.
@jamminjerry @shefoof @quanin @samari76 I can atest to that. His coffee walks on its own.
@squeakerbear What kind of surgery did you have?
@thinlizzy159 LOL
@seedofeulogy Yeah iTouch Babies wouldn’t be good either.
@cdetro Um, don’t you guys think that’s just a little too personal for Twitter? Jeeze.
@Boyz_II_Men Yep, would definitely fight for something I believe in and to hell with what anyone else thought of me for it.
@byron27 Byron, I hate you. I really, really hate you. <grin>
@technolass They grow on you. Finally tried them the other day. Now I think I will have to get some for myself.
@elliott94 PrimePress is good but the best thing to do is look at the themes and preview them.
@jamminjerry Thanks very much. Hanukah was the night of December 1st until sunset of December 9th.
@jamminjerry we’re bphaving shells and cheese with hotdogs in it.
@alyankovik it;s Christmas at ground 0. Over here.