@stick_bear Send me a request on there and I’ll add you.
@tjtn How did your wireless setup go?
@Blair_42 You know, I think I’m a little scared to find out what’s in your breakfast stash.
@dmarthouse @Blair_42 If it’s drop-shipping from China you’ll see it in about 6 years.
@msippi Very good! How’s dad?
@Blair_42 It might actually provide you with some show content.
@Blair_42 And you’ll have to let us all know how the droid tablet works out for you.
@Blair_42 What’s Lady in the hospital for?
@Blair_42 You were supposed to copy *that paper too.
@Blair_42 hasn’t Steve explained things to you before?
@Blair_42 Yeah but blinks are people who don’t function well. Blink started out as a prejudices term among blind people.
@lights_rage @wesderby I think overall that Droid is not ready for prime time period.
@lights_rage @wesderby Sprint is at 2.2 now, which works for the most part, except when EF randomly shuts down and you have to restart it.
@lights_rage @wesderby No their GPS app sucks. Their browser works though while the standard one doesn’t, as well as email and calendar.
@wesderby @lights_rage That’s what I did. I found some things worked better, others didn’t.
@wesderby @lights_rage Agreed. More than one way to skin a cat.
@dgl1984 @stick_bear All of this is Google though so there’s no 3rd party involved.
@dgl1984 @stick_bear You can’t really do that, because the Market App needs that info in order to get apps.
@stick_bear Spouting when you don’t have all the info makes you look stupid. You should keep that in mind.
@stick_bear Looks like you need to do some more research.