@QueenofSpain Yeah the autoinjector is *not fun.
@stick_bear Nope deforesting from the tornados last weekend. Lots of tree branches and pieces of tree trunks.
@hllf Not necessarily true, but your original question is still valid.
@hllf Very much agreed.
@RicksterTheGeek I think the thing to remember is that whatever phone or computer you use, there’s really no privacy.
@mektastic @Goldfingas Yeah like I said keep away from pets and children, and we should probably add service animals too.
@Goldfingas LOL hehe.
@Goldfingas OK that guy just gives off some really weird vibes. Keep away from pets and children.
@CMBnet Is there a tentative release date for the new album?
@seedofeulogy Is what a euphamism?
@stick_bear What if I say I want to use it as a weapon. Is it still available?
@khoath Yeah I wondered about that too.
@deblewis53 Yeah my clock is selected for Eastern because I live in the Eastern timezone. I live in Greenville, NC.
@deblewis53 be app-specific. The system clock is on the right time zone.
@deblewis53 OK I got the GPS working and the app I’m trying to work with found my location. It’s on central time though but think that could
@deblewis53 It’s using it to calculate prayer times and start and end of Sabbath and holidays.
@deblewis53 OK location services are on. So I wonder why when I tell this other app to use GPS it doesn’t? Do I need to calibrate it?
@deblewis53 Oh that’s cool to know. Thanks!
@deblewis53 OK I will install those two you recommended as soon as I find the back button in date and time.
@deblewis53 OK. And what are you using for Twitter/FB? Trying Seesmick but when I tap to add a space nothing else comes up.