@technolass i like that. Good one.
@PeggySueCusses Granted, someone else will take over, since it’s a network and not a hierarchy, but not his son.
@PeggySueCusses Nope, his son’s dead too.
@BrileyP @darrell Well, OK, and the guys at Westpoint. But that’s expected as well.
@DovBear Policy and leadership, yes. Personality? Don’t think so.
@jessimica76 So how did the Beltain ritual work? Bonfires and everything?
@BrileyP @darrell NYC and DC are the only ones partying, and given they were the ones hit…
@reevesman Probably not, because WP-s permalink settings are handled in the dashboard. Call if you need help.
@CalmWaters73 and I respect that.
@CalmWaters73 I disagree, there are instances where death is warranted, but if you’re anti-DP then you’re being consistent,
@CalmWaters73 He put himself at that level by his own choices.
@CalmWaters73 Yeah but there’s not really anything we could have done that would have been truly just other than putting him to death.
@CalmWaters73 He was definitely way below human.
@CalmWaters73 I don’t know, as many people as he killed? I don’t think he deserves any consideration.
@stick_bear Where are you guys moving to?
@Tr_Diva I didn’t think Hawaii was 10 hours behind Eastern.
@typhooncindy Blogged this as soon as the news broke.
@Tr_Diva Osama Bin Laden was killed yesterday at 15:30 EST.
@Dishnut This time, he’s reported to have died from a shot to the head.
@Dishnut No this time he really is dead. Body in possession of the US military.