@stick_bear And I hate to break it to you, but *all screenreaders present security holes. It’s the way they’re built.
@ I’m not disagreeing with you. I’m just saying there are somethings that actually work a little better.
@wesderby Check your DMs.
@Mexi77 @Simon818 Yes the only problem is, they probably have mothers who love them.
@Dishnut @Blair_42 LOL he’s got a point, Blair.
@stick_bear @wesderby all the numbers are spoken, and answering/rejecting calls actually works.
@stick_bear @wesderby Example: With Spiel/EF, in the phone app, you hear four numbers when you dial, the rest get spoken as hyphen. With MA,
@stick_bear @wesderby It’s not quite that simple. Like I said, give me a call and I’ll explain.
@wesderby There are a lot of things it works with, and you may be able to get by depending on which version of the firmware you get.
@stick_bear @wesderby If you want both of you can give me a call and I’ll give you the low-down.
@stick_bear @wesderby i”m using MA.
@stick_bear @wesderby Yeah I know that. But some of them actually work where standard ones don’t.
@wesderby Well, Droid works, sort of, but there are some bugs. Kind of big ones.
@wesderby Yeah you’ll spend a lot of money doing that, since Sprint’s ETF is about $250.
@wesderby Yeah that was the problem I ran into. Pretty much had to get a droid.
@Blair_42 Maybe, but I don’t think Chris qualifies. He’s normal as far as blind people go. Thus, not a blink.
@Blair_42 i’m sure he’ll be nice enough to let you look at it. Any updates from him?
@stick_bear @wesderby Yeah, except that Sprint likes to push down updates, and Spiel and Eyse-free Shell are still catching up.
@wesderby I like the phone OK, but I have some issues with the Android OS itself. You’ll probably have to get Mobile Accessibility with it.
@stick_bear What pizza place closes before 11:00? They don’t even do that where I live.