@tjtn @lifesjourney82 Congradulations.
@MurryPrincess What are dermals?
@msippi Don’t know if that was supposed to be a DM but you have a j before the D so it’s public.
@WolfNashville Let us know when the Wolf starts cooking dinner on the sidewalk.
@WolfNashville Yeah I heard about that. Awesome.
@Liamerven Lol that’s a good one. I’ll have to use that one.
@typhooncindy I’ve noticed a bug where the mentions timeline shows the wrong time when using the $when tag.
@Liamerven Bite me.
@Liamerven @jamminjerry 60 as in 60 minutes?
@typhooncindy Remember, this is beta. Also, if you’re having problems, report bugs.
@khoath @Mongoose_Q Running the current beta, excellent work, will report any bugs.
@blindtech Already have one. Love it for the most part.
@quanin iTunes sucks under Windows. Runs a whole lot better on the Mac.
@tjtn I really can’t believe anyone would want to spend $4000 on a product running an open-source OS.
@thebigmaq Thanks. Have you found out when this law was passed/amended to allow this?
@sweetpam_80 Yes I miss those times too. We had a lot of fun together. Where are you at and what are you doing these days?
@sweetpam_80 Uh, you do remember I’m blind, right? Can’t see pictures?
@mektastic @Ali8923 Oh yeah? Well back in the day, God was my bitch on the playbround.
@CalmWaters73 @GShang @darrell Where did you guys marry? The usual Cypress or somewhere else? Just curious.
@GShang Saw some stuff from a 2006 Haaretz article about something similar. What’s the law in Israel?