@efink I thought that number was disabled too. Must be an urban legend.
@KG0BP That makes two of us.
@kvetchingeditor Wishing you a refuah shlemah…
@mommywantsvodka Can the SkyMall kitties meet their doom anyway?
@byron27 Time to run the AV…
@JonathanMosen OK, so when I become world dictator, I’ll be sure to make the switch.
@JonathanMosen Yeah that would definitely beat the bible in every hotel room thing.
@reevesman @mektastic Yeah he can host it, or I can, but either way I can do all your setup.
@QueenofSpain Yay more drugs! </sarc>
@mektastic Use WordPress. It’s better.
@MrDCConn Your dad is watching the View? Tell him I said what the hell is his problem?
@guyster104 Dude, how are you not following me? <g>
@thinlizzy159 Awesome.
@radiodude Put down the credit card and step away slowly.
@Blair_42 Yeah I think that actually is a bug, since you’re not supposed to see replies to people you don’t follow.
@tjtn @Lifesjourney82 Good luck with that.
@tjtn @Lifesjourney82 Now your sleep schedule is all screwed up.
@tarafair What was this?
@darrell Probably not.
@typhooncindy Really? Where are you being moving to?