@quanin so he could have called his friend who installed his screensavers or whatever shit he wants fixed for this as well.
@quanin Besides that, everyone seems to be able to call a friend who is a tech when they want something fixed,
@quanin Log in, find the security link or something similar, and enter a password.
@quanin No I’m not assuming he’s tech minded. It really doesn’t take much knowledge to secure a router.
@quanin But he left his shit wide open, when it’s very easy to secure, and then tried to use his blindness as a further excuse.
@quanin Look, I could totally accept the it’s not my fault excuse if this guy had at least tried to secure his shit.
@quanin This guy’s just as capable as the rest of us.
@quanin OK, even if it wasn’t secured out of the box, you did it.And when you don’t know something, you google it.
@quanin I’m not expecting you to know it when you pull the thing out of the box, but Google is free. Use it.
@quanin Sorry, this dog just don’t hunt.
@quanin And if you get a router/modem combo, it’s already securied by the ISP.
@quanin I love how people find all the time to do the things they want to, but then when they just don’t care, they’re lazy about it.
@quanin No, we would still have the RIAA. Sorry, but you don’t get a pass for being lazy.
@quanin If you’re going to play on the internet, you are responsible for doing some research. Period. this includes network security.
@GShang Hang on let me fix that.
@quanin Car dealerships don’t teach people how to drive, but they’re still at afult if they run a red light and cause an accident.
@quanin And it’s everyone’s responsibility to learn how to secure their routers.
@byron27 Glad to see you’re actually doing some work.
@quanin Your priorities should be buying me fudge, and then everything else.
@MotyRaven OK.