@wa4wga True.
@technolass Yeah that would be good too.
@wa4wga How do you get through life without Crispy Cream?
@shazza59 @brucetola @technolass Horrible image… deleted. <grin>
@quanin Filters are your friend.
@quanin No. I just figured the reason you aren’t blogging is because something’s hosed.
@quanin What’s wrong with your WP install?
@quanin Here’s an idea. Write a post about this and link to mine, and I’ll link yours and continue discussing that way.
@quanin Look, it might not be fair, but it’s required if you’re going to play on the internet.
@quanin LOL yeah I guess you do.
@quanin So have I. I’m just not going to give them any room for stupid excuses. But I see where you’re coming from too.
@quanin OK, we’re probably going to have to agree to disagree on this one, because neither of us is going to get the other to change.
@quanin Yeah, he would. But this proves my original point. He could have gotten it done if he was really interested.
@quanin But I guarantee you if this guy wanted a particular app installed he’d figure out how to get it done.
@quanin Look I’m not expecting these people to know all the ins and outs of this shit.
@quanin Like I said, this guy is probably like every other bastard and has friends that fix his shit. So it’s definitely possible.
@quanin Yes it’s true, but this idiot didn’t even try to secure shit. And let’s not even get into using the blindness as an excuse.
@quanin Well, it’s time for average joe to start learning this shit.
@quanin that’s a whole lot different than you left the door wide open and somebody just walked in and used your shit.
@quanin I’m not expecting everyone to get it right the first time, but if you tried,