@brucetola I wish we could get coke in glass bottles here. That would be cool.
@Dishnut I think we need to plan a #skyscanner potluck at your house.
@tjtn By posting this prayer you’re agreeing with it.
@tjtn I think that, if you receive govt assistance, calling people who receive welfare lazy is hypocritical to say the least.
@darrell I think there’s an addon you can purchase that will allow you to set sound preferences.
@QueenofSpain I’m a conservative, but I definitely don’t believe you should be barred from collecting disability.
@brucetola Smashburger. That just sounds like a really cool name for a restaurant/bar.
@kvetchingeditor From what I understand there’s a Tishah B’Av service in the Reform prayerbook. Focuses on the Shoah I think.
@Brandon_h Aw why not? She would have been a perfect dessert for you.
@solsticesinger Where did you order your clothes from?
@blindndangerous No.
@blindndangerous Uh, yeah that’s one of those things you’re going to need.
@blindndangerous If you don’t have a monitor, how are you going to figure out what the error is?
@blindndangerous It may. Try connecting it and see what happens.
@blindtech I hope they get everything straight.
@FreakyFwoof I would blame @farhanc but there’s no way I could reasonably pull that one off.
@blindtech Ouch.
@Mexi77 @radiodude Yeah I know I’m having trouble convincing myself that @byron27 twisted your arm.
@BrileyP Hi Briley I was following you at one point but must have accidentally unfollowed.
@mektastic Lol that’s funny. Because there is a Rabbi blogger who goes by the name Velvetine Rabbi.