@wa4wga Hang on I’ll put it in your dropbox.
@reevesman Oh that’s right, you don’t have a Windows machine do you?
@reevesman I think they’re at bareware.dk but not sure.
@SeveraSnape @reevesman Hey you guys join me on Teamtalk.
@kvandenhoek @KG0BP Happy anniversary!
@Mongwen @wa4wga I think that’s what I’d do.
@wa4wga @Mongwen Being blind isn’t an auto-excuse anymore.
@wa4wga @Mongwen I think it depends on the clerk you get and what sort of mood they’re in.
@wa4wga @Mongwen You might not be able to get excused, or at least you’ll have to go the first day.
@quanin I’ve done it in ten.
@WilJames Yeah I think I’m going to have to squirt a little.
@WilJames Oh damn.
@fracture4u @joyctilton Yes, unfortunately he did.
@tarafair I think he puked one more time and then went to sleep.
@RicksterTheGeek No, I don’t think I like you enough to give you $400.
@RicksterTheGeek No, I paid for that license once.
@RicksterTheGeek Uh, I’m telling you, I do that in a home environment. Granted, that’s not the only environment I do that in.
@RicksterTheGeek through an outside server just to go back into my network.
@RicksterTheGeek I use TD because if I want to tandom between two different machines on my network, there’s no reason to send requests TBC
@RicksterTheGeek I use it.