@hllf Why are you at the animal hospital? All the animals are on this server!
@tallin32 Wow! I wonder what it took for them to come up with that? </sarc>
@mrgriffy09 Just to make your life more difficult, I have a cigarette right now.
@DovBear I read that article, and I think calling it something close to rape apoligism is a bit far.
@darrell There’s not an occupy Greenville yet, I don’t think.
@ScienceOfChaos @reevesman Yeah really. Get your ass up here! You too, Rad!
@radiodude @byron27 Are you guys running the same version of the OS? Same ROM?
@radiodude @byron27 That’s kind of messed up.
@jamminjerry You don’t know how to use correct grammar. So that makes you stupid.
@stick_bear @jamminjerry Oh. I’m not adopting that yet because it needs some polishing.
@stick_bear @jamminjerry Does he have an iPhone or something now?
@byron27 Iris kind of sucks at this stage. But I’m hoping it improves and they integrate it into the OS.
@Sahar770 You’re quite welcome. I hope you find my tweets interesting.
@Blair_42 @Glitterkrissy @venison88 I don’t do it regularly, but have been known to do it.
@wa4wga I don’t think I like you anymore. No, wait, I know I hate you.
@hllf Try asking Siri “who’s your daddy?” I think you’ll like the answer.
@snaojj @Alisharay83 I’m glad I’m not the only one who doesn’t get what all the hype is about her.
@deblewis53 How did you get them to import?
@chayasufrin Baruch Hashem!
@EvanPokroy Oh I think that will be fine.