@WilJames Yeah. Let’s see how long it takes them to fix it.
@toonhead @wa4wga The point is, it may have some cuet applications, but it’s still a bug.
@toonhead @wa4wga I know that.
@wa4wga @toonhead You can write it in a notepad window. The issue is that it’s a Jaws bug.
@WilJames And the scary thing is Google will remove them.
@WilJames Yeah the unlimited plan is pretty sweet.
@seedofeulogy Yes I know.
@jamminjerry It’s been there for a while and is still there in 13.
@fracture4u Alt
@Mongwen @WilJames Yes. They are frequency numbers.
@Mongwen @WilJames Playing with Eloquence phonemes.
@bardsong Frankly I’m concerned about it because I think it could be used for some bad things.
@bardsong There’s a bug in Jaws that lets you pass text directly to the synth. I was just exploiting it.
@WilJames It’s funny, because everyone is telling me to leave Sprint.
@fracture4u You have to manually type the symbol. It’s in the unicode character sets.
@WilJames Yeah we Android users have been royally screwed.
@bkanish View the tweet.
@WilJames You need to know the frequencies and pause lengths for it, but you can do it.
@WilJames You can change the frequency numbers to change the pitch/tune.
@WilJames Yeah I know.