@BECKAHSHAE Thanks for this verse. I needed it.
@byron27 Yes, we know you enjoy screwing your toys.
@wa4wga @Dishnut @byron27 I would like to petition that this week’s show be skipped on the replay. Play another, better Talk Zone.
@Dishnut @byron27 This is completely a bad idea. Don’t ever fucking do this again.
@byron27 Your hard drive slid in. was it good for you?
@Goldfingas @jage9 @BlahBlahBlah410 What if J’s offering you weed? Would you play with him for weed?
@jage9 LOL that’s funny.
@Goldfingas @jage9 @BlahBlahBlah410 Aw cmon Geefers, you know you want to play with J.
@byron27 Get a really long piece of cat5 cable and run it to the storage room.
@Mongoose_Q Yeah I’m on that list, and was told that Java stuff needed to go to a separate list. Now Java stuff is going to the regular list
@BlahBlahBlah410 Thanks!
@_TheTerminator_ You forgot to say please.
@Mongwen @jamminjerry Yeah, you need a life.
@MarkSoFla @efink They count towards influence.
@byron27 Good. I’ll be sure to be there and derail it again.
@dfibraio Nope, it’s fake. He’s not dead.
@blindtravel Tell Calvin I said hi. And he needs to get on Twitter.
@efink Fooling it sounds like something I’d do if I had no life.
@efink Yeah pretty much. It’s a software algorythm, so it can be fooled.
@efink I think they might, since Klaut is only looking at mentions and not checking where they’re actually from.