@Mongoose_Q Maybe his $10 won’t break your Xmas, but if everybody refuses to buy and steals instead, that will break Xmas. Idiot.
@Mongoose_Q Wow. that Jes is a real jerk.
@AustinNix123 @mcourcel @blindperspectiv Let It Snow.
@byron27 @NeeNee0161 @Mexi77 You’d never kill me. You love me too much for that. 😛
@byron27 @NeeNee0161 @Mexi77 OK then we’ll just send you a pink nighty then.
@VC_Steve IMGBurn is free and works.
@AustinNix123 @mcourcel @blindperspectiv That’s not Dectalk. It’s the old VO voices.
@byron27 @NeeNee0161 So does that mean I should send you pink stuff too?
@byron27 @NeeNee0161 Mmmm pink stuff.
@amy0223 LOL that’s funny.
@amy0223 Yes it’s been a very enjoyable Hanukah this year.
@amy0223 Happy cooking!
@JonathanMosen @PatBouchard @HMaeAldeza @anajacob Yes I want someone to explain that to me as well.
@blackGayNinja Unfortunately you’ll need eyeballs for that one.
@skjask Depends on what she wants to do with it. If she wants to make calls, that could get tricky.
@TheChaviMonster That wouldn’t be hard to set up. And it’s a very good idea.
@Mongoose_Q And I don’t understand why people feel the need to steal Hope. It’s $10 for fuck sake, pay for it.
@Mongoose_Q Is the group moderated?
@bravetarheel @blindtravel Isn’t she married? And I bet her kid is cute.
@bravetarheel @blindtravel Yes we do. How’s she doing?