In reply to @KaraLG84.

@KaraLG84 @mektastic Not gonna lie, those are the people who make me wish that, when making web things accessible, I could have a selecter to target "blind people who loudly proclaim to the rest of us that we are not entitled to accessibility" so I could ensure they don't get to benefit from the accessibility stuff being implemented. Spoiler alert: I can't do this, and honestly I shouldn't be able to have the ability to do this.

In reply to @chris.

@chris My uncle posted singing the praises of that congresswoman who concocted the Jira conspiracy and let me tell you something it was an actual struggle to not comment and tell him he's a fucking moron and that he and everyone like him deserves to be confined to the boomer playpen that is Facebook because if they venture out onto the rest of the web they'll continue hurting themselves.

In reply to @annmlipton.

@annmlipton (1), trans people are comparing themselves to trans people in the holocaust not to Jews, and (2), Matt Walsh can shut the fuck up and sit with the fact he's been deafeningly silent every single time one of his anti-vax pals compares themselves to the Jews on the regular and he can't seem to come up with an objection, let alone outrage.

In reply to @chris.

@chris @Jeffro I don't know I think switching themes has been a royal pain for about 8 years now. It's probably more disappointing though if you're using the block editor since you're essentially being told in not so many words that the block editor is supposed to eliminate at least some of the problems since presentation and content are no longer separate.