In reply to @weirdwriter.

@weirdwriter @MostlyBlindGamer So one more thing, because I yelled at you over this. If it makes you feel any better, this one time I started a fight with Karl fucking Groves, publicly and while sober as a judge, and I lost spectacularly. And I promise, this isn't the end of the world. So while I've yelled at your take and think it's shitty, there is online life after incredibly dumb/shitty takes in this space.

In reply to @weirdwriter.

@weirdwriter @MostlyBlindGamer Why is it a problem for non-disabled people to use a numeronym? I mean it's not like they're not stepping up and doing the fucking work. Often without thanks. Some of the most patient, hard-working people in the accessibility space are non-disabled people, and if any of them ever decides fuck it I quit, we're in sorse trouble than we already are. And you're mad they're putting a numeronym on stickers and t-shirts?