Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat And as far as your question "who else?" is concerned: Are you really going to tell me that all the inspiration prostitutes out there (looking at you Michael Hingson) really aren't making any difference at all? Because all the people claiming unawareness have computers in their pocket and by this point should at least be aware that people with disabilities do all sorts of things.

Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat If you work for an agency that's supposed to serve people with disabilities I don't think you can exactly claim outsider/unaware status anymore. You might not be aware of every nuance, but you should at least be aware of the basics of accommodations people might ask for and I'm not sure you should have to be trained on that.

Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat Shorter version: Asking PWD/whoever to accommodate ignorance, especially when it's doubtful that ignorance is what's solely driving all this, puts all of us in the position of having to solve problems that we didn't create. It also puts the responsibility on us to educate people who in a lot of cases are doing their best to remain uneducated. And it's just not our job to +

Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat "Oh I didn't mean too" and poof, problem doesn't exist it's on the PWD or whoever to just deal. And I'm saying no we're done dealing because people have tried being polite about this stuff and it did 0 good so yeah claiming ignorance and expecting to be cut slack based on that is expecting PWD/whoever to have infinite patience and that's just not happening.

Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat Allowances can be made, up to a point, for ableism/whatever when it's genuinely based on ignorance. But only up to a point, and I'm submitting we're long past that point. The problem with tying any of it to intent is that if you point out that "hey that thing you said/did is ableist," (I.E., specifically harms people with disabilities in some way), all someone has to say is +

Toot by Justin MacleodJustin Macleod (

@jscholes @FreakyFwoof @MoonCat I'm saying that we can and often do discriminate and/or show/hold prejudices against people and lack of awareness doesn't change that. It might mitigate it, and assuming that lack of awareness being pointed out by someone telling you that thing you did/said was ableist or whatever results in your deciding to change the situation by making yourself aware, then lack of awareness isn't+

Toot by Patrick WPatrick W (

@bryansmart Having read this thread and the resulting replies, I'm assuming that by low-level Cisco you mean CCNA? If that's the case, I'd say dropping out is fine, if you can be reasonably certain that you don't want any Cisco certs above that low-level stuff. Cyber security/infosec is almost certainly out, because the software you need to use to do your job/complete the certs/gain the experience is inaccessible. +