A Hindu-Jewish Partnership by Andrew Lovseth

A great deal has been discussed about the failure of Israel’s intelligence apparatus and political leadership to anticipate and prevent the horrific events of October 7, even in the face of clear evidence. I’d like to discuss, however, a more pervasive intellectual failure — the failure to recognize the threat that diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) programs pose […]

'So dangerous': US Jews push back against Trump's latest rhetoric on disloyalty by TOI staff
Expert says former US president’s comments could ‘fan the flames of antisemitism,’ while chair of Republican Jewish Coalition defends candidate’s ‘own unique style’

Donald Trump is a Jew-hating bigot, and the Jews who continue to jump to his defense every time he takes the opportunity to shit on the majority of American Jews have willingly taken on the role of court Jew.

The Jewish Mainstream by Andrew Lovseth

It is my job to pay close attention to outliers. As the executive director of the Natan Fund, a foundation that supports early-stage nonprofit organizations, I spend most of my time thinking about the people not yet included in Jewish communal life. Who have we been overlooking? What new programs, approaches, or organizations might we […]

Religious Christians by Andrew Lovseth

The groundswell of support for Hamas in cities across Europe and North America since October 7 is a wake-up call for anyone who cares about the future of the West. The problem isn’t just an emerging alliance between Islamists and progressives who seek the downfall of America and Israel. It’s the inability of Christians and […]

(Israel) Educators by Andrew Lovseth

Polly put the kettle on, we’ll all have tea.” This endearing 19th-century nursery rhyme is catchy, but one is left wondering, “Put the kettle on what? What’s in the kettle? Why do you need to put the kettle on to have tea?” E.D. Hirsch Jr. — American literary critic and educational theorist — reminds us that these questions are […]

Pro-Israel Progressives by Andrew Lovseth

Representative Ritchie Torres of New York’s 15th congressional district has emerged as a leading pro-Israel figure among young progressives. Sapir Editor-in-Chief Bret Stephens interviewed him about his sometimes lonely support for Israel and what it says about the future of the Jewish state in Democratic politics. This interview has been edited for length and clarity. […]

America (at Her Best) by Andrew Lovseth

It’s hard to overstate the extent to which the United States is founded on ideals that are philosemitic by conviction, design, and effect. The Puritans arrived in Massachusetts determined to make a New Jerusalem, modeled on the old: They settled their colony in towns named Salem, Sharon, and Rehoboth. Harvard awarded its first degree to […]