Foreign Ministries by Andrew Lovseth

In late December, the murder by Hamas of a Canadian-Israeli citizen, 70-year-old Judith Weinstein Haggai of Kibbutz Nir Oz, was confirmed. As has been their habit, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, Minister of Foreign Affairs Mélanie Joly, and Canada’s ambassador to Israel, Lisa Stadelbauer, were all silent. I was not. My rebuke of the Canadian ambassador […]

The BBC by Andrew Lovseth

A few months before I graduated from Oxford, I was interviewed for the British Broadcasting Corporation’s prestigious two-year journalist trainee course. This was the best way at the time to secure a job at Britain’s most respected news broadcaster. A committee of five interviewed me. The chair asked whether there was anything I would have […]

Root-Causism by Andrew Lovseth

Immediately after news of Hamas’s October 7 massacres broke — before it was known just what had happened, before the shock of the cruelty had been absorbed (which will, perhaps, never happen) — instant, and astonishingly confident, analyses of the event’s “root cause” emerged. On October 7 itself, the Democratic Socialists of America, once the home of Michael Harrington’s […]

Islamism by Andrew Lovseth

Why, more than two decades after 9/11, when Osama bin Laden attacked America in order to inspire and lead “the global jihad project” — the term is from the left-leaning Brookings Institution — do we see massive demonstrations on the streets of Europe and the United States in favor of the antisemitic, genocidal Islamist butchers of Hamas, who are […]

Western Guilt by Andrew Lovseth

The Germans will never forgive the Jews for Auschwitz,” runs a bizarre quip ascribed to the Israeli psychiatrist Zvi Rex. To deconstruct it, consult Dr. Freud. “A convenient way to dispatch guilt,” he might expound, “is to project it onto your victim” — like a schoolyard bully who huffs that the fight started when the other guy […]

Black Radicalism by Andrew Lovseth

If I had only a glancing knowledge of American history, I would never guess that black Americans and Jewish Americans had ever clashed. After all, both groups understand what it’s like to be a despised minority, both groups have been reliable Democrat voters for the better part of the past century, and both groups share […]

Middle East Studies by Andrew Lovseth

I was recently told a story about a Jewish professor of Islamic studies who, some years ago, was seen standing bewildered outside the hotel gift shop at the annual conference of the Middle East Studies Association (MESA) in a North American city. When asked what he was doing there, the professor responded in a mystified […]

The American betrayal of Israel by Melanie Phillips

The suggestion that Israel is no better than Hamas is a pernicious lie spread by those who want Israel gone.

Melanie gonna Melanie I guess.

Maybe it’s just me, but if your goal is to get more American Jews, a lot of whom have definite disagreements with Chuck Schumer’s latest Israel speech for one reason or another and also have definite disagreements with President Biden’s most recent statements with regard to Israel, to vote for Donald Trump, you might want to hold off on calling us treasonweasels from your Brittish safe space.

Just sayin’