Interview with John Lavenburg of Crux on the Protests at Columbia University, April 22, 2024 by Fr. Roger LandryFr. Roger Landry

Fr. Roger J. Landry Interview with Crux’s John Lavenburg April 22, 2024   This interview was conducted by email on April 22, 2024. John Lavenburg’s article appeared on April 24 on Crux.  Crux: What is your reaction to what’s taken place at Columbia University in recent days?  Landry: Concern and sadness over what’s happening. At […]

Serge from Babka (
There's a core problem when designing decentralized networks. You have to make a terrible choice at design time. 1. Either you make a network that is very secure and you protect marginalized people, but you also protect really awful people like pedophiles and human traffickers. OR 2. You don't built it securely and the network by default reflects or even amplifies existing power structures. The Fediverse didn't chose #1, so it ended up with #2, which means that many people won't see the problems. But if you're marginalized because of your ethnicity, your skin color, your country of origin, or a host of other factors, you do. The Fediverse does a decent job for Queer folks, and that's awesome! However the power that Queer folks have on the Fediverse is proportional to its size, and if the network grows then Queer folk may find that their empowerment will start to dissolve, just as its done for other marginalized people on the network, like Jews, and POC. #Fediverse
Into the Unknown by Sara LammSara Lamm

Seven Weeks of Superheroes On the second night of Passover, Jews worldwide began counting the Sefirat HaOmer. For seven weeks, or forty-nine days – or seven squared, as my six-year-old reminded me – there is a Biblical commandment to count each day between the holiday of Passover and the holiday of Shavuot. Essentially, we are […]