Plus: The patriotism of Adam Kinzinger
The MAGA movement sees itself as oppressed and disempowered. It couldn't be more wrong about this, argues Berny Belvedere.
Politico invited Ben Shapiro to produce its Playbook newsletter. Politico staffers were upset. They had a point, writes Berny Belvedere.
His latest stunt shows how badly he still misunderstands speech and platforms.
Sean G. Turnbull was motivated not by profit but by a drive to explore issues largely ignored by the mainstream media, he said in an interview with The Washington Post.
The company they built is wildly successful. But her Washington wisdom didn’t hold up, and neither did their close working relationship.
The Biden Boom Is Not Enough
The complicated reality behind a story going viral in conservative media.
Plus: Piling on J.D. Vance
We differ in our views on critical race theory. But we agree that the current attempts to ban it from K-12 education are misguided and dangerous.
It's a reductive and misleading framework for understanding race relations in America in the 21st century. And it undermines the principles underlying civil rights.
The inherent power that comes with always being in the majority
The IDW grew by meeting demand for heterodox thinking—but the product had problems from the start
The Dog That Didn’t Bark
People are leaving their jobs in search of more money, more flexibility and more happiness. A record 4 million workers quit just in April.
The report on the clearing of Lafayette Square is contradictory, unpersuasive and limited by the IG’s narrow jurisdiction.
Plus: an online event with me about the past and future of Jewish life
This entire column is worth reading, and honestly the whole thing is good enough that there really isn’t a pull quote that would do it justice.