SPRINGVILLE, Tenn. (AP) — She was folding a red sweater when she heard a car door slam, went to the window and realized that a moment she always imagined would kill her was about to be made real: three Marines and a Navy chaplain were walking toward her door, and that could only mean one thing.
Police who defended the Capitol on January 6 are now left to fend for themselves.
“Back the Blue!” from Republicans has always been and continues to be pure bullshit. This just drives that point home.
It did not have to be this way.
As an American retreat becomes a tragedy, a few points to ponder.
The government can’t love you, and when it works from the premise that it can, folly or tyranny follow.
Right now, we need a coherent policy in Afghanistan.
Of course he is.
It's not enough to be horrified by events in Kabul. There was no clean way out.
Americans may consider their Afghan experience a failure. They would do it all over again if given the choice.
Late last month, New York Post opinion page editor and antiliberal tradcath in excelsis Sohrab Ahmari tweeted out the latest salvo in his relentless campaign to discredit…
They hate us for our freedoms
The former president said there is no vetting of those coming to the U.S.
Republicans are running on a whole lot of unpopular views.
The abysmal coverage of the U.S. withdrawal is a sharp reminder of how two decades of failure were foisted on us in the first place.
Thread by @ezraklein: This is worth reading, as it illustrates a peculiar pathology in modern conservatism: The idea that the US government is too incompetent to execute domestic policy well, but it has extraordina...…
Oh look the right is suddenly feminist again!
Seriously though you guys have your own problems with your own anti-immigrant anti-refugee contingent you might want to see to that before you start pretending to be the best of feminists.