After 10 years of using WordPress as a CMS, as the platform moves to FSE - Full Site Editing - it's time we said goodbye.
Exodus 18:1-20:23
Block themes are trickling into the official WordPress Themes Directory at a slow rate ahead of full-site editing’s debut in WordPress 5.9. There are now 39 themes that support site editing f…
David appears in my office through the wonder of the interwebs An audience with Dr David Swallow wherein he outlines the existential threat to native labeling mechanisms posed by the use of aria-label. aria-label is one of a number of secondary methods to label native HTML UI elements. It works part...
On its surface, this sounds like a bill that would be good for blind people but, in this article, I will explain that it has both arguments for and against it and...
Welcome to the 2021 annual review! I’ve been doing this for a while now. If you’re curious, here are prior reviews: 2013 review 2014 review 2015 review 2016 review 2017 review 2018 review 2019/2020 review A note on the pandemic We’re two years and neck-deep deep into the pandemic. At this point, all of us […]
A flashback to January 6
Might COVID finally get us to have the conversation we’ve been avoiding for three quarters of a century?