Facebook is pretending it cares how its platform affects the world by Siva Vaidhyanathan
The reality is that Trump used Facebook most effectively as an organizing and fundraising tool, not as a platform for ‘posting’

My only response to this is: “Well of course he did.” He was handed an incredibly powerful set of tools coupled with an incredibly easy way to use them. What did people expect would happen?

State College

45 °F Partly cloudy

Biden Should Stick With Trump’s Agreement To Withdraw From Afghanistan, Veteran And Foreign Policy Expert Says by Kaylee Greenlee
President Joe Biden should adhere to the agreement former President Donald Trump made with the Taliban to completely withdraw American forces from Afghanistan.

Update 15 August 2021 23:03: Daily Caller has updated the machine-readable headline of this article to read: “Biden Should Stick With Agreement To Withdraw From Afghanistan, Veteran And Foreign Policy Expert Says”. I’ve kept the original headline in the appropriate place with the edit noted below.

I agree with this entire thread, especially the action part.

Don’t get me wrong. Awareness is great. But we’ve been doing awareness now for I don’t know how many years or even decades, and it just seems to me that for every step forward we take, there are six more going backwards.

If awareness doesn’t become actuion, it’s just feel-good talk. And I’m starting to wonder if all the talk being generated around accessibility isn’t getting to a point where we’re seeing diminishing returns.

( )

I’d like to raise a glass upon the new redesign of @LFLegal’s website by @nataliemac of @hiredigitally.

Lainey’s website has been, ever since I encountered it more than a few years ago, an absolute joy to browse and use.

And it just keeps getting better and better.

It’s also a joy to link to in other contexts, (Episode 19 of the Making Better podcast, for example), because I know for a fact that if podcast listeners click the link to Lainey’s site in that episode they will find everything they could possibly want to know about either Lainey Feingold or structured negotiation.

The ease of finding things became important when I was editing the intro text for the Making Better episode because I found myself in the position of having to edit text for length while also not leaving out important stuff.

Looking forward to the reign of our dolphin overlords,

A very happy user

Secretary Pompeo’s Meeting with the Taliban by U.S. Embassy in Kabul
Office of the Spokesperson The below is attributable to Principal Deputy Spokesperson Cale Brown: Secretary of State Michael R. Pompeo met today with Taliban Political Deputy and Head of the Political Office Mullah Beradar and members of the Taliban negotiating team in Doha, Qatar, on the historic occasion of the start of peace negotiations. Secretary Pompeo urged the Taliban to seize this opportunity to forge a political settlement and reach a comprehensive and permanent ceasefire. He welcomed Afghan leadership and ownership of the effort to end 40 years of war and ensure that Afghanistan is not a threat to the United States or its allies.
Translating Design Wireframes Into Accessible HTML/CSS by Harris Schneiderman
In this article, Harris Schneiderman walks you through the process of analyzing a wireframe and making coding decisions to optimize for accessibility.

The most efficient way to build accessible websites and apps is to “shift left” by incorporating accessibility testing into the earliest stages of your development and design process. In this article, Harris will walk you through the process of analyzing a wireframe from an accessibility perspective and making coding decisions to optimize for accessibility in both design and development phases.

President Trump is bringing peace to the Middle East by Republican National Committee
PRESIDENT TRUMP HAS CONTINUED TO TAKE THE LEAD IN PEACE TALKS AS HE SIGNED A HISTORIC PEACE AGREEMENT WITH THE TALIBAN IN AFGHANISTAN, WHICH WOULD END AMERICAS LONGEST WAR On February 2, 2020, the Trump Administration signed a preliminary peace agreement with the Taliban that sets the stage to end America's longest war. • Under the agreement, the U.S. will withdraw nearly 5,000 troops from the country in 135 days in exchange for a Taliban agreement to not allow Afghanistan to be used for transnational terrorism. • Time Magazine reported that other components of the agreement included an agreement that U.S. counterterrorism forces stay in the country, permissions for the CIA to operate in Taliban-held areas, and details of how the Taliban's promises to reduce violence will be monitored and verified. • The deal has been called the " best chance to end this conflict ," a " decisive move " towards peace, and " the best path " for the United States. • The war in Afghanistan is the longest in U.S. history, a conflict that has killed more than 3,500 U.S. and NATO troops and cost U.S. taxpayers nearly 900 billion dollars. • As part of the peace agreement, the Taliban and the Afghan government recently began historic peace talks which would end decades of war that Afghanistan has consumed. • The negotiations will cover the terms of a permanent ceasefire, the rights of women and minorities, and the disarmament of the country's many militia groups ."

Update 16 August 2021: The above URL now results in a 404. Continuing the Republican tradition of trying to be cute with 404 templates and failing miserably at it, the page reads: