Larry Elder hates the Americans with Disabilities Act, claiming it creates "dependency" and erodes “our freedoms”

Jesus H. Christ what an absolutely horrible person and I’m making an exception to my rule of not hoping people join the club of people with disabilities. Please let this guy end up blind so he can find out about the complete inaccessibility of working in radio assuming he doesn’t win and so he can find out how much he’s going to have to depend on other people to do simple things for him because he won’t know how to cope. And then grant his wish to repeal the ADA just before he wins the recall.

Yeah, I know, most of this stuff won’t happen, especially that last part. But seriously, I hope very bad things happen to this guy.

I’ll do the obligatory asking around, but in my experience, picking up a gun, let alone pointing it at someone, is the absolute last thing I’ve considered doing when high. Not even when my uncle’s FBI buddies were in the vacinity.

Biden shouldn’t cave to the bigots on evacuating our Afghan allies by Catherine Rampell
No matter what this president does, demagogues will accuse him of "open borders.”

No. He should not. First, because it’s the moral thing to do, and second, because fuck them. It’s not like Tucker and his ilk are going to go start praising Biden for not bringing in the refugees. They’re not gonna go “Well we thought you were totally open borders, but now that we see you’re capping Afghan refugees we’d like to apologize because we were totally wrong.”

Trump’s “Deal” With the Taliban Set the Stage for Afghanistan’s Collapse by Mark Follman
Taliban fighters take control of the Afghan presidential palace in Kabul on August 15, 2021.Zabi Karimi/AP Fight disinformation. Get a daily recap of the facts that matter. Sign up for the free Mother Jones newsletter. The weeks ahead will bring exhaustive debate about the grim developments in Afgha...

I’m really glad you said this out loud and everything but seriously you really should go check the shitty website you edit because the call is coming from inside the house.

Ron DeSantis has ‘made a monumental mess of masking in public schools’ | Column by Mac Stipanovich
Ron DeSantis is a governor uninterested in actually governing, a lawyer with little respect for the law, an anti-elitist with an Ivy League education and a hypocrite unbothered by inconsistency. Populist politics, not public policy, is his long suit. So it is not surprising that he has made a monumental mess of masking in public schools.