Gonz Blinko’s Blind News Digest – Edition 9
Introduction Welcome to Edition nine of Gonz Blinko's Blind News Digest. This edition has 45 stories about blind people and blindness from all over the world and its the first edition of the digest to include a featured article written by a member of the community. We're certain you will find articles that you think... Read more about Gonz Blinko’s Blind News Digest – Edition 9
Trump’s Despicable, Disgraceful, and Un-American Response To Putin’s Evil
Anytime there is conflict abroad the American punditocracy moves immediately to ensure the world is aware that our narcissism knows no bounds or borders. If a butterfly flaps its wings in East Timor destabilizing a region, at least one talking head will argue that a lepidopteran American politician is to blame. Such is the case […]
Populism people hate by Scott Lemieux - Lawyers, Guns & Money
Batya Ungar-Sargon, Deputy Editor of the opinion section that published an op-ed by seditionist asserting that Kamala Harris isn’t an American citizen and new hero of Bari Weiss’s ShakeShack for liberalism-left-me-ing about how intolerable it is that Democrats think that completely banal vaccination requirements should include the safe and effective COVID vaccines. Needless to say, …