Parler’s parent company has laid off a majority of its staff by Makena Kelly
Parlement Technologies, the parent company of “censorship-free” social media platform Parler, has laid off a majority of its staff and most of its chief executives over the last few weeks. The sudden purge of staff has thrown the future of Parler, one of the first conservative alternatives to mainstream platforms, into question.
Why Signal won’t compromise on encryption, with [@SignalApp] president Meredith Whittaker by alecm
There are a lot of people out there who equate writing good, secure, privacy-enhancing software, with promotion of “self-evidently problematic” anti-statist libertarian agendas which they rail against — presumably because they’re worried that society (i.e. they) will lose something from re...
If You Don’t Want EU Style Censorship To Take Over The Internet, Support Section 230 by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Last summer, I mocked the EU a bit for setting up a new office in Silicon Valley, and sending an official here to “liaise with Silicon Valley companies affected by EU tech regulation,” noting how it felt weird to have EU internet police setting up shop in Silicon Valley. Given that, I was a bit […]