THE WORST THING WE READ THIS WEEK: Why Is the New York Times So Obsessed With Trans Kids? by Tom Scocca

EARIER THIS MONTH, the administration of Florida Governor Ron DeSantis wrote to 12 state universities, ordering them to provide a list of how many students, of what ages, had sought or received gender-reassignment treatment through their schools’ medical services. The request was strikingly detailed, specifically asking, item by item, about puberty blockers, hormone treatments, mastectomies, […]

They Say They’re Protecting the Children. It’s a Damn Lie. by Jay Kuo
On Saturday, Governor Spencer Cox of Utah signed a complete ban on hormone replacement therapy and gender affirming surgery for transgender youth in the state. The bill targets the most vulnerable kids in our country, who face the highest rates of suicide of any group, but to hear him say it, he’s really doing it to protect kids. Yet he had to lie outright to try and make that point.
A Terrifying Sign of Assimilation by Jeff Yang
Ours is a nation where the unimaginable has somehow become inevitable. If Mr. Chou, Mr. Tran and Mr. Zhao committed mass shootings, they did so not because they were Asian but as Americans. Mass murder may be the fullest act of assimilation possible into a culture that has proudly chosen as its colors the red of innocent blood, the white of panicked eyes and the hazy blue of semiautomatic smoke.
Chad Loder (
Attached: 4 images Andy Ngo vocally celebrates the murder of Black men by police. Ngo blamed George Floyd for his own murder and called him a "late porn star". Andy Ngo suggested that Ahmaud Arbery deserved to be murdered because he had once been convicted of a petty crime. Ngo made made several false claims about Ahmaud Arbery, including a claim about a homeowner's surveillance video that was quickly refuted by the homeowner himself.