How Shadow DOM and accessibility are in conflict by ALICE BOXHALL
Shadow DOM allows web developers to create and use components which encapsulate their internals. Like encapsulation in any other programming context, being able to hide the implementation details of an HTML component has many benefits to both developers using the component in their web pages, and the developers who author and maintain the component. However, there is one major way that, to date, Shadow DOM's encapsulation mechanism is in conflict with techniques authors use to provide an accessible user experience.
I'm worried they might finally get the answer they're really looking for by an authoran author
A Creature Wanting Form my new book of short stories and poems should be shipping within a few weeks. For the next five people who buy a full price yearly subscription to Hell World I'll send you a free copy of that or one of my other books. Reply to let me know if you want to do that. Earlier this week I added my name to a letter addressed to the New York Times' management that was signed by roughly 1,000 current and former contributors to the paper and around 23,000 other media workers and Ti
How 'vile' MAGA Republicans are painting Ohio's environmental nightmare as a 'war on white people' by Alex Henderson, AlterNetAlex Henderson, AlterNet
In East Palestine, Ohio, residents have complained of headaches, nausea, skin rashes and other symptoms following the early February derailment of a Norfolk Southern train carrying hazardous chemicals. A combination of Democrats, liberals and environmentalists have been vehemently critical of Norfol...