Texas, Which Banned Most Content Moderation, Now Pushing Law Requiring Abortion-Related Info Be Blocked From The Internet by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Well, this will be fun. As you’ll recall, in 2021, Texas signed into law a bill that effectively banned the right of companies to moderate content on social media. That law has been challenged in court, and while a district court tossed it out as unconstitutional (and obviously so), the 5th Circuit reversed in a […]

Another Day, Another Blatant Attack On The 1st Amendment From The Florida GOP by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

I keep hearing people pretend that the GOP in general, and Florida GOPers more specifically, and Governor Ron DeSantis most specifically, are fighting for “free speech,” when they continually seem to push blatantly unconstitutional legislation designed to attack free speech and the 1st Amendment in a way that keeps getting Florida shot down in court […]

Fighting ‘Woke AI,’ Musk Recruits Team to Develop OpenAI Rival

OK let me get this straight.

Musk criticizes the content safeguards GPT3 (and probably GPT4 too), use as woke, and therefore wants to build an alternative, which I am supposed to believe will not use fewer content safeguards. It’s gonna be that anti-woke thing that magically turns out to not be bigoted that we keep being promised.

Anti-woke shit ends up at bigotry every Goddamn time, and yet I am supposed to pretend these are people of goodwill bla, bla, bla.

Fox News Host Throws Hissy Fit Over 'Woke' Legos
The toy company has apparently "gone woke" because of its new figures representing people with disabilities.

Another data point for the theory that the term “woke” now mostly operates to let bad people be publicly mad about things that even they would find embarrassing if they had to just directly say what they were upset about.

This time, it’s another instance of not pretending people with disabilities don’t exist, and by extension, disability rights and accessibility, once again being declared woke. So can we quit pretending that there’s some sort of bipartisan agreement on the belief that people with disabilities should be able to fully participate in society and working towards actualizing that goal now?

FL Bill Makes Transphobia Accusations Defamation, $35k Penalty
Every day, a new bill is released that targets the transgender community in new and cruel ways. HB991 in Florida is the newest example, which could charge people $35k for transphobia accusations.

Oh look! Another instance of “Free speech for me but not for thee”! I’m sure the champions of free speech on these here internets will be all over this.