A Utah parent says the Bible contains porn and should be removed from school libraries. Here’s their full challenge.

Good for this parent. And, I hope other parents in this country follow suit.

And, sorry Rep. Ivory and other conservatives, but you opened this ball. Time to dance. And if you don’t like that your book bans have provided this giant hole, and that people are using them against your favorite sacred text, tough shit.

Forget A TikTok Ban, We Need To Regulate Data Brokers And Pass A Real Privacy Law by Karl BodeKarl Bode

We’ve noted for a while now how the great TikTok moral panic of 2023 is largely a distraction. It’s a distraction from the fact we’ve refused to meaningfully regulate dodgy data brokers, who traffic in everything from your daily movement habits to your mental health diagnosis. And it’s a distraction from our corrupt failure to […]

Matt Taibbi Can’t Comprehend That There Are Reasons To Study Propaganda Information Flows, So He Insists It Must Be Nefarious by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Over the last few months, Elon Musk’s handpicked journalists have continued revealing less and less with each new edition of the “Twitter Files,” to the point that even those of us who write about this area have mostly been skimming each new release, confirming that yet again these reporters have no idea what they’re talking […]