Twitter is complying with more government demands under Elon Musk by Russell Brandom
The company has not refused a single request since Musk took ownership, according to self-reported data.

I wonder if we’ll be having another congressional hearing about this because surely if it was bad for old Twitter to comply with government takedown demands then it’s also bad for new Twitter to not only comply with them but comply at a higher rate than old Twitter?

Or maybe this was never really about Twitter complying with government takedowns.

Twitter Turns In Its Transparency Homework Late And Incomplete by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Twitter 1.0 had one of the most complete and thorough transparency reporting operations around. It was incredibly useful to anyone studying issues, especially regarding the all important information on government demands on the company, and Twitter’s compliance rate. Indeed, as we reported, while basically all of the other big tech companies folded when the government […]

The Dominion-Fox Settlement and the “Thirst for Justice” by Teri KanefieldTeri Kanefield

This blog post could have been called, “What to Expect from Future Defamation Cases against Fox.” On Tuesday, just before opening arguments were scheduled in the Dominion-Fox defamation case, the parties announced that they had settled: Fox agreed to pay Dominion $787.5 million. What followed the announcement was an outpouring of shock and rage. Here …

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