It’s not about delay. It’s about obstruction and destruction. by Teri KanefieldTeri Kanefield

Please excuse me while I have a mini-rant. Occasionally mainstream and social media commentators settle on a theory that projects their own reasoning onto Trump and his supporters. For example, at one time, the going theory was that Lindsay Graham was kissing Trump’s ring because Trump was blackmailing him. It was common for people to ask, …

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Mozilla Wonders What Social Media Could Look Like If It Started With A Clear ‘No Assholes’ Policy by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Content moderation at scale is impossible to do well. And, contrary to what most people believe, a huge part of content moderation is not “we have to suppress this content that scares us,” but just an attempt to “stop people from being jerks to others.” Unfortunately, too many people get confused, and think that “free […]

Elon Musk's obsession with anti-white bias
On May 1, Jordan Neely, an unhoused subway busker and Michael Jackson impersonator with a history of mental illness, was killed on the F train in New York City. At about 2:30 in the afternoon, Neely entered a subway car and began screaming that he was hungry and thirsty. "I don’t care if I go to jail and get locked up," Neely said, according to a witness. "I’m ready to die."