Elon Musk furious after Ron DeSantis event saw his own app crash
Ron DeSantis claimed his campaign launch was a success, but Elon Musk was left furious as his own app crashed repeatedly, Platformer reported.

Thoughts and prayers you little shit.

Also, no wonder your latest head engineer quit less than 24 hours after the incident. If I were him I would have quit too so you can’t throw him under the bus.

DeSantis Is Making the Same Mistake Democrats Did in 2020 by Yair RosenbergYair Rosenberg
Winning the internet is not the same as winning elections. Politicians forget this at their peril. Read and share the full piece on the web here. Ron DeSantis is the governor of one of the most scenic states in America. Reelected by eye-popping margins in 2022, he does not lack for superfans. And yet, instead of launching his presidential campaign in front of palm trees and adoring crowds, he did so last night on Twitter, in an awkward audio-only exchange with Elon Musk that took place after 2
It’s Not Too Late for Conservatism Inc. to Dump DeSantis by Jonathan V. Last
But for the Republican establishment, Ron DeSantis is too big to fail.

Best part of this is the discussion of the excuse making for the technical issues. Because yes, 600,000 is small potatoes. Pre-Elon Twitter would have managed that with no problems, Facebook did it with 800,000 in 2016 and it was video, and hell, we’ve had WordCamps do that with video and made it happen just fine.