As Canada Passes Corrupt Link Tax, Meta Says No More News Links In Canada by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Two weeks ago, Canada’s Heritage Minister, Pablo Rodriguez, who has been the main Canadian government official pushing for C-18, the bullshit link tax bill, that is just a corrupt wealth transfer from one disliked industry to a favored industry, insisted that it was “unacceptable” that Meta might stop allowing links to news if the bill […]

How I Think, And Feel, About Hunter Biden by Jay Kuo
You may have noticed that I don’t spill much digital ink writing about Hunter Biden. That’s because, all along, I have understood this for what it is: a politically-driven effort to smear Joe Biden over the checkered history of his troubled son. Even saying something is “politically-driven” these days creates chum in the water. After all, that is the current language and currency of the right, and particularly of Trump as he faces a growing number of indictments. If Democrats accuse Republicans of going after Hunter Biden for political purposes, the GOP can point to that and say to their own base, “See how this works? If
5G Was An Over-Hyped Dud. Prepare For Nobody To Learn Absolutely Anything From The Experience by Karl BodeKarl Bode

We’ve noted for several years how the “race to 5G” was largely just hype by telecoms and hardware vendors eager to sell more gear and justify high U.S. mobile data prices. While 5G does provide faster, more resilient, and lower latency networks, it’s more of an evolution than a revolution. But that’s not what telecom giants […]