"What is unbelievable is that we let them do it. That they did it is not unbelievable at all." by Daniel Gordis
The guy I mentioned in a previous post, who’d said to me in shul last Shabbat in the early morning when we’d first started hearing booms, “it’s probably just construction,” came up to me as he arrived in shul this morning. We kind of just stared at each other for a moment. What’s there really to say?
Hubris meets nemesis as Israel refuses compromise by Shlomo Ben-Ami
Sooner or later, Israeli Prime Minister Binyamin Netanyahu's destructive political magic, which has kept him in power for 15 years, was bound to usher in a major tragedy. A year ago, he formed the most radical and incompetent government in Israel's history. Don't worry, he assured his critics, I have "two hands firmly on the steering wheel."