SNL’s Antisemitism Sketch Was Hateful and Not Funny by Alan ZeitlinAlan Zeitlin

There are ways to lampoon and mock the college presidents who failed to admit that calling for the genocide of…

Non-Jews can absolutely care about antisemitism and defend Jews and even be absolutely horrified and outraged over the testimony of the three college presidents.

Stefanik is absolutely not one of those non-Jews who care about antisemitism.

I’m sick to death of the “The Real Antisemites” discourse, where one side’s antisemitism, (in this case, the antisemitism from the right and Stefanik’s complete refusal to call any of it out while stomping her feet in outrage when the antisemitism is politically advantageous), is either downplayed or completely dismissed in favor of the politically advantageous kind.

Either call out antisemitism whereever it occurs and quit giving people a pass just because they share your politics, or shut the fuck up.

Columbia University Students Organize "Tuition Strike" to Force Divestment From Israel by Dion J. PierreDion J. Pierre

Anti-Israel students at Columbia University in New York have organized a “strike” to withhold their tuition payments unless the school…

Yes kids you should totally do this. I’m pretty sure the people who deal with the university’s finances are not going to put up with your shit and you will likely not end up with your precious degrees when you want them, which will cost you more.

Fucking morons.