Critical Race Theory and the ‘Hyper-White’ Jew by Andrew Lovseth

Imagine you’ve just been accepted to college. You open your welcome packet. It contains the bestseller all first-year students are expected to read: Robin DiAngelo’s White Fragility. You flip to a random page and read, “Only whites can be racist.” You flip to another page where you read that to deny being racist is itself […]

Jews and the Dilemmas of Social Justice by Andrew Lovseth

As with so many of the world’s big ideas, social justice — the term denotes the fair distribution of wealth, power, opportunity, and status within society — is a concept with deep roots in Jewish tradition and, at times, disquieting consequences in Jewish life. Take many of the most prominent contemporary social justice movements, and they are shot through […]

What It’s Like To Be a Jewish Student at Columbia Today by Ariella Saperstein

We were up late celebrating Jewish life at Columbia the night before the attacks. Our Chabad House hosted one of its largest-ever Shabbat and holiday dinners for Shemini Atzeret, a Jewish festival. It was an overflow crowd. So many Jews from the United States and Israel — and everywhere in between — came out to dance at this autumn […]

Hamas's Apologists and the Assault on Reason by Ariella Saperstein

As I write, the news is of an impending Israeli invasion of Gaza in response to the horrors of Hamas’s brutal wave of terror. How, everyone asks, could this have happened? Ayaan Hirsi Ali observes that Israel was taken by surprise partly because it was distracted by internal discord. But another distraction she notes is […]

How Israel Can Respond Ethically to Hamas by Ariella Saperstein

Contemporary military ethics are built around one central principle: Keep noncombatants out of warfare as much as possible. This principle imposes two major rules on fighting parties: Do not target noncombatants, and do not entangle your troops with the civilian population, so that it remains clear who are combatants and who are noncombatants. The 1977 […]

SJP Does Not Belong on Campus by Ariella Saperstein

University administrators seem to be surprised that they have been incubating some of the leading and most active antisemites in America. In their reactions to the October 7 Hamas attack on Israel, and then to subsequent outrages against Jewish students and campus communities, they seem mystified. Institutions so devoted to “safety,” “inclusion,” and “diversity” have […]

SJP Still Deserves Freedom of Speech by Ariella Saperstein

In the aftermath of Hamas’s brutal October 7 massacre, a number of chapters of Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP) and other student groups issued statements praising as “resistance” Hamas’s killing of babies, raping of women, and seizing of hostages — all of which violate the laws of war, not to mention basic human norms. We share […]

‘We Are Alone’: Reflections on the Jewish-American Response to October 7 by Ariella Saperstein

Of all the immediate reactions by Jewish thinkers to the massacres of October 7, was there anything more pathetic — I mean this in both the pitiable and derisive sense of the word — than the one from Joshua Leifer, a contributing editor for the far-Left publication Jewish Currents? “The loss, the tragedy — incomprehensible,” he wrote on X, formerly known […]