How an Israel Army Radio Station Made Radiohead International Superstars

Chances are you’ve heard the ghostly cries of Radiohead frontman Thom Yorke singing, "I'm a creep, I'm a weirdo," whether on the radio or from some angsty teenager’s headphones. The multi-platinum, massive hit captured the zeitgeist at the perfect time to bring an unknown band like Radiohead to the front lines of rock music. The […]

Reclaiming Biblical Social Justice by Andrew Lovseth

Social justice” is a foundational biblical value. But its ancient meaning has little to do with the modern catchphrases and ideologies that are part of contemporary social justice discourse, like socialism or “equality of outcomes.” Instead, the Bible gives us a much more complex vision of “justice and righteousness” to describe the ideal social order. […]

Judaism and the Politics of Tikkun Olam by Andrew Lovseth

There is no one “kosher” Jewish approach to social justice, just as there is no single authorized Jewish response to any of the challenges we humans encounter and create for ourselves. Jewish texts contain a multitude of opinions, enough to support the presuppositions and political persuasions that almost any seeker could bring to them. One […]

Liberalism and the Common Calling of Blacks and Jews by Andrew Lovseth

As a wave of anti-Jewish violence tore through New York in December 2019, Christian clergy across Boston gathered to compose a powerful statement, asserting their shared responsibility to combat antisemitism. Ministers of all races and denominations drafted the statement collaboratively, inviting a handful of their closest Jewish partners to provide feedback to ensure that the […]

The Past and Future of Black–Jewish Relations by Andrew Lovseth

To commemorate the first day of Black History Month this year, 170 Hollywood industry leaders announced the formation of the Black-Jewish Entertainment Alliance, aiming to “bring our two communities together in solidarity” against racism and antisemitism. This initiative harked back to the era when black and Jewish groups coalesced with labor, churches, and liberals to […]