On OpenAI: Let Them Fight by Dave Karpf
I won’t pretend to know what the hell is happening at OpenAI. The story is changing by the hour. It’s chaos though. And that’s a good thing. For the past few years, OpenAI has told a near-perfect story: The company was founded by tech luminaries — people skilled at noticing developing technologies and operating as though the future had already arrived. They recognized that we were on the cusp of a breakthrough that would transform, well,
If You Kill Two People In A Car Crash, You Shouldn’t Then Sue Their Relatives For Emailing Your University About What You Did by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

Holy shit. So, in 2021 there was a car accident in Atwater California that killed a married couple, Pam and Joe Juarez. According to police reports at the time, a 20-year-old Stanford student, King Vanga, struck their car from behind. Here’s how ABC 30 reported on the matter: The California Highway Patrol says Pam, 56, […]

Jewish Community Relations and the October 8th Jew by Ariella Saperstein

At a recent conference in Philadelphia, Bret Stephens coined the term, “October 8th Jew.” It was meant especially for left-wing Jews who, observing the glee with which their ideological fellow travelers responded to the previous day’s mass murder of Jews, belatedly realized that progressive politics are no safe haven from antisemitism.  Now, it’s time for […]

Terrorism in historical perspective by Fred Halliday
Terrorism is the defining issue of the post 9/11 world. It is also one of the most confusing and contested words in the political lexicon. The route to understanding, says Fred Halliday, is through making connections: between past and present, state and insurgent violence, nationalist and religious movements. The result is an illuminating survey of terrorism’s history, current impact, and possible future.