Congrats To Elon Musk: I Didn’t Think You Had It In You To File A Lawsuit This Stupid. But, You Crazy Bastard, You Did It! by Mike MasnickMike Masnick

So, yesterday we covered Elon Musk’s ridiculous censorial threat to sue Media Matters “the split second the court opens on Monday.” Of course, as we noted, you can file lawsuits 24/7. And yet, as the courts opened on Monday, there was nothing. As mentioned in the original post, I was away from internet access for […]

A Dark Thanksgiving
I read this email after three weeks’ worth of reports regarding the beheading of Jewish babies, the tearing open of the wombs of Jewish mothers, the slayings of children in front of parents and parents in front of children, the setting of Jews on fire, the raping of Israeli women until their pelvic bones broke and blood ran between their legs, all of this gleefully filmed by the perpetrators and immediately uploaded in celebration to social media.