I know people are anti-birdsite, but with Elmo taking down accounts with no activity, it makes me sad for all the people where someone died, and their account is a type of online memorial.

Twitter has no official policy on what happens to someone’s account when they die. There is no legacy transfer to a family member or friend, only the option to delete.

Unless you arranged with someone to access the account post death, it sits there or gets deleted.

P.S. You can transfer your FB, Insta, and Google to a family member in many instances; If you set it up before you pass.

#birdsite #death #tech #infosec


Anyone who still thinks that Elon Musk is “just” a spoiled rich white boy tech bro whose political views are, as New York Times tries to tell us, “complicated,” needs to read Popular Information’s outstanding commentary on his blatant attempt to spread white supremacist disinformation following the choking of Jordan Neely by Daniel Penny on a train in New York.

Musk is a crude out & out white supremacist. And his platform makes him dangerous.

#ElonMusk #WhiteSupremacy



If you’re around a person who is struggling with mental health, the worst thing you can tell them to do is to just feel better or stop being negative. It’s not a choice. Nobody chose to struggle with mental health. The people you’re around most likely don’t intend to be negative or bring you down. They’re hurting. They’re struggling with things that you don’t understand. Telling them to stop being negative, or to get over it, or to feel better, or telling them that they’re fine and to stop faking it is the worst thing you can do, and it shouldn’t be hard to see why. These statements make any given person’s struggles so many times worse. Not only are you minimizing them, you’re also showing that you really don’t give a shit what they’re going through. Support them. Understand them. Listen to them. Do what you can for them. You could honestly save their life by just being there and supporting them when they need you most.


👀 #TIL Monopoly wasn’t invented by the Parker Brothers, nor the man they gave it credit for. In 1904, Monopoly was originally called The Landlord’s Game, and was invented by a radical woman. Elizabeth Magie’s original game had not one, but two sets of rules to choose from.
One was called “Prosperity”, where every player won money anytime another gained a property. And the game was won by everyone playing only when the person with the least doubled their resources. A game of collaboration and social good.
The second set of rules was called “Monopoly”, where players succeeded by taking properties and rent from those with less luck rolling the dice. The winner was the person who used their power to eliminate everyone else.
Magie’s mission was to teach us how different we feel when playing Prosperity vs Monopoly, hoping that it would one day change national policies.
When the Parker Bros adopted the game, they erased the “Prosperity” rules and celebrated “Monopoly”.
#ElizabethMagie #Monopoly #Landlord
HT Tumblr.com/soberscientistlife


I think we all need to change our mindset re: any social media service winning or losing. It used to be there was only one winner; friendster > myspace > facebook > etc. These days, one service need not lose for another to win. Mastodon was here for several years before Twitter imploded. It will be here whether or not Bluesky becomes more popular than it or not. We’re now living in a multi-platform world. No one needs to lose.


Good lord. If you had told me this in conversation, I would have thought you were joking. FWIW, good Executive Assistants are worth their weight in gold and, at early-stage companies, are frequently far more competent than the executives they support.
Thank you @anildash for the link. #Shopify #Techcrunch



Mona Tip, If you add a photo or video to your post, please add a description so everybody can enjoy it the same! Make it accessible to all! 😄 To do this: 1, Tap add photo or video. 2, Find the photo or video you want to share and select it, then hit add. 3, You will be put back on the composing screen. Tap on the attached Media, and right on that screen you will find add description, so tap it and add your description. And that is it! So easy and simple that anyone can do it! Look forward to enjoying everybodys photos with the help of the descriptions you add! #Mona #Tip #Photo #Video #Description #Help #Blind


This is where we are: Families of trans youth are fleeing political persecution in the US with no sign that anything will stop the GOP’s reign of terror.

This is how we got here: A drip, drip, drip of confusing and misleading news stories showed us how little it takes to destabalize the situation for an already vulnerable minority group.

Calling a spade a spade feels like all I can do some days. #transgender #journalism



People keep bringing up the very tired “Linux on the desktop” meme to dismiss the Fediverse.

But a meme is just a meme.

In the real world, Linux dominates.

Your phone? Probably Linux. Your car’s infotainment system? Linux. Your router? Linux.

Chromebook? Linux.

Windows has a Linux Subsystem too.

Linux has won.

The “Linux on the desktop” naysayers don’t even realize it.

The Fediverse should be so lucky.
