@Homebrewandhacking @bitwarden @1password

You’re right – you have no control over the password policies for third-party services. So with that in mind, let me introduce you to a concept I debuted last summer called #PasswordNihilism .

Password nihilism is understanding that sites have shit complexity requirements and shit password storage, and then not giving a shit because you recognize that none of it matters. Max 8 characters? Doesn’t matter, don’t care. Plaintext storage? Doesn’t matter, don’t care.

Why doesn’t it matter, and why should you not care? Because out of all the attributes a password can have (length, complexity, uniqueness, randomness, etc.), the only one that actually matters is uniqueness. And by “matters”, I mean “actually defends against threats in the overall threat model for password security.”

So, as long as you’re using a password manager to generate and store unique passwords for each site, you too can be a password nihilist!

If you’d like to learn more about password nihilism, check out:

This interview with @thorsheim:

And this interview with @todb:


i wish people would start saying “people who need screenreaders” instead of “visually impaired people” or similar, because:

1. not everyone with low vision needs a screenreader. this leads to people thinking their job making things accessible is done by making things screenreader-friendly, while most of it is still violently inaccessible to hard of sight people like me who rarely use screenreaders and rely on things like large text.

2. not everyone who uses a screenreader does so because of low vision. i have low vision and the main reason i use a screenreader sometimes are visual processing issues. the idea that only people who can’t see (and thus also can’t read) use screenreaders leads to situations like on twitter when we weren’t able to actually read the alt text, leaving lots of things inaccessible for lots of people. i missed out on a lot of stuff before i was able to view alt text.

be specific. it matters.

#LowVision #Disabled #Disability #VisualProcessingDisorder


The meme that perpetual licenses were some kind of golden age of joy is the most utterly specious, lying, effluvial spew.

Every one, every. single. person waxing nostalgic about ”pay once, own forever” also screamed like devs were slapping their grannies with hentai tentacle dicks every time a dev *dared* to say “this is not a free upgrade.”

“It’s too expensive” “this shit should be free” on and on, and y’all were absofuckinglutely running cracks.


“(W)hat we are witnessing is the wealthiest companies in history (Microsoft, Apple, Google, Meta, Amazon …) unilaterally seizing the sum total of human knowledge that exists in digital, scrapable form and walling it off inside proprietary products, many of which will take direct aim at the humans whose lifetime of labor trained the machines without giving permission or consent.”



Dads.cool and Cooler.mom are servers for people who are bringing up children, including biological, non-biological, foster & adoptive parents:

:Fediverse: https://dads.cool

:Fediverse: https://cooler.mom

Parents of all gender identities are welcome.

The servers run Hometown, which has a server-only visibility option for posts. For more info, contact the admins at @alex & @sydney

#FeaturedServer #Parents #Parent #Parenting #Family #Families #Children #Kids #Fostering #Adoption


#Google just announced their next social media venture: #Perspectives.

Perspectives is a tab that will showcase social media posts in their search results. This will give — you guessed it — “perspectives” on current events and other matters as well.

While Google is positioning this generating results from all social media, this also has massive implications for the #Fediverse.

I’ve been saying for a long time that if we Fediverse developers didn’t nail search soon, Google will eat our lunch.

Well, it looks like they’ve just set down at a table and are studying the menu right now — because I completely expect that the Fediverse will be present on that Perspective tabs, especially since the Fediverse is now generating 1 billion+ posts each month.

What is the next logical step for Google?

If I were putting on my Google product development hat, I’d push for full text search with near-instant results. This is very easy for Google to do. Their engineers could probably build it fast.

Meanwhile, the Fediverse is practically giving away Fediverse search to Google — Google is what most people use to find posts on the Fediverse right now.

Are we just going to allow Google to extend their search monopoly into the Fediverse, and without a fight too?


@socialmedianews@venera.social @fediversenews@venera.social


Hi #Blind #Japanese speaking community! I recently purchased the Orbit Reader 20, and it should be arriving by tomorrow. If I’m writing in Japanese, how can I tell if I’m selecting the right Kanji? Do the candidates show up in braille in an easy to understand fashion? Also, if there are any communities for blind Japanese speakers, I’d be happy to learn about those. #A11y #Accessibility #Braille #BrailleDisplays #NVDA #NVDAJP #Languages #LanguageLearning #JapaneseLearning


The #birdsite is supposedly rolling out end-to-end encrypted DMs soon.

You’re going to see a lot of stories along the lines of “Musk turns on encryption in move that will help terrorists and child predators” or whatever.

Do not. Amplify. This narrative

End to end encryption is good. If Twitter does it right, it will be unequivocally good for the world.

The questions to ask are about the implementation, is the code open source etc.

But don’t dunk on encryption just cuz you wanna dunk on Musk


for no reason, giving a shout out to the other members of the aus.social mod team.

It’s a really diverse team, with an impressive collective set of knowledge and experiences, and I’m always learning from other members.

I’m also proud to be part of a team that quickly sees the complexities of some of the reports we collectively deal with. And we strive to act in a fair, consensus manner; understanding our responsibility for all members of this online community.

Are we perfect? No. And I love that about us.
Do we act professionally, while on the mod-clock 7 days a week, as volunteers? Yes

Anyway – whatever Instance you are on – be nice to your admins/mods


I’m just going to admit this even though it makes me sound like an insensitive asshole, because look, we all make mistakes and the point is to grow, right?

when I first came to Mastodon and people were reminding me to add alt text to my images, I was a little irked

then I read several posts about how much this means to people who rely on reading apps to understand the web

now I’m fully converted. I enjoy writing alt text.

and I think it’s crazy this isn’t standard across all social mediums.
