Teri Kanefield (@Teri_Kanefield@law-and-politics.online) (Mastodon)
Attached: 2 images People are watching GOP reactions to Trump's TV confessions. Erick Erickson said, "Guys, Trump admitted on TV tonight he withheld documents from the grand jury. Game over, legally. What an idiot." "Legally" it's game over. But what about politically? How far will hardcore MAGA go to defend him? Will it split the party, thereby causing them to lose the 2024 election big time? (On the theory that Trump will torpedo any nominee that isn't him?) Or will they fall in line again?
Ro (@Are0h) (Ubiqueros: A PV Joint)
Declaring that banning gender-affirming care is unconstitutional is a devastating blow to a major piece of conservative campaign plans as we approach election season. Keep fighting these bigots. Keep pushing. Don't give them a moment's fucking rest. Make them regret the day they came into contact with you.
Grimm :bc: (@GrimmReality@beige.party) (beige.party)
Like a healthy percentage of dumb bigoted conservative twats who tried to stake out turf on Mastodon in days agone are basically blocked by a vast swath of the fediverse at this point cuz, y'know, it's not run by Elon Musk and therefore doesn't work actively to amplify the voices of verified sociopath assholes but they keep trying, like the intrepid sexless ubermenschen they think they are in spite of all evidence available from every social interaction they've ever had. Keep at it, guys. You are the 300 Spartans of Unloved Loserdom and, exactly like the 300 Spartans, you're fash-y dickbags and you lost.
Mats Holberg (@Holberg@mstdn.social) (Mastodon 🐘)
Hunter Biden has actually been a very useful case study for the difference in this country between the right and the left. I’ve never heard anyone in my liberal circles suggest he shouldn’t be investigated and prosecuted if there’s evidence of wrongdoing. Joe Biden hasn’t blathered endlessly about political witch hunts, hasn’t insulted and attacked everyone involved in the process, and won’t make this a violence-inducing talking point at cultish campaign rallies. Because we’d think that’s nuts.
Vyr Cossont 🏳️‍🌈🏳️‍⚧️ (@vyr@universeodon.com) (Universeodon Social Media)
hi i'm a smug piece of shit here to explain to you that blocking #Meta is useless and impossible and wrong actually. let me tell you how #ActivityPub is a sieve and #Facebook is very large. you know i know what i'm talking about because i currently work for #Google and/or used to work for #Twitter and proudly have that in my bio. that's probably where i internalized the futility of trying anything ever. if i'm queer, female, and/or a racial minority, i'm insulated from most problems because of my wealth. if i'm not, i have no idea what those problems are other than something about bathrooms? i have several expensive hobbies and have never donated to a mutual aid fundraiser in my life because someone might scam me. i have no idea what collective action is, but i'm sure it can't work because, as i have mentioned, Facebook is very large. i have an all or nothing idea of success and cannot fathom the concept of making something slightly less shitty. anyway, fuck you, you dumb peasants
Nowhere Girl (@gwynnion@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
You can tell TERFs / GCs are hateful bigots because there are no circumstances under which a trans person can exist that they will accept. They may pretend to in order to appear reasonable in front of others, but the goal posts always shift so the trans person is inevitably in the wrong. There is no such thing as a "gold star" trans person who does everything right such that they have to accept them because they just want us dead, period.
Qasim Rashid, Esq. (@QasimRashid@mastodon.social) (Mastodon)
Barack Hussein Obama won as Barack Hussein Obama Meanwhile… Nimarata Nikki Randhawa had to run as Nikki Haley Piyush Jindal had to run as Bobby Jindal Rafael Edward Cruz had to run as Ted Cruz Even Ronna Romney had to run as Ronna McDaniel And don’t get me started on the 11-teen different names of George Santos Point is, GOP claims that “Dems are obsessed with identity politics” is 100% projection.