Ricki Tarr (@RickiTarr@beige.party) (beige.party)
There are people who truly believe voting doesn't matter, and I get that, BUT if it truly doesn't matter then why are the Conservatives fighting so hard to stop minorities and women from voting, and trying to restructure districts? You don't fight against something that isn't a problem. The reality is that a large enough of a majority doesn't agree with them, and they know it.
Dan Hon (@danhon@dan.mastohon.com) (Mastohon)
Everyone* is going to be there, they did the work so the Brands were there on day one being all Brand-y, all the influencers and Creators are there, plus there are enough early 21st century mall cops around so the Nazis aren't *too* visible. It'll be packed and Elon is fucked. The amount of prep work Meta must've done to get all those blue checks lined up on day one, they know how to run their advertising businesses.
Erin Conroy (@chargrille@progressives.social) (Mastodon progressives)
If Jack Dorsey & Elon Musk (who are friends) merely wanted to run a MAGA site full of fascists, they could have just bought Parler & saved themselves approx 43.999 billion dollars. What they wanted was to cripple the sad remnants of investigative journalism, and the political left, which successfully used Twitter for political organizing, activism & messaging throughout the Trump regime. Why would anyone who cares about either of these things go to Jack's #Bluesky project.
Beth (@Hey_Beth@sfba.social) (SFBA.social)
Musk is an abusive narcissist. I just jumped on Twitter to check something, and I immediately started thinking about the 600 limit. There was an uneasiness, a stress. Don't read too many things! Need to keep some "reads" available if needed later! That unease and uncertainty is classic abuser behavior. And when he steps in and allows things to go back, Twitter users will feel a gratefulness to him. He's a sick mother fucker. #FuckTwitter #FuckElon
Sheldon Chang 🇺🇸 (@sysop408@sfba.social) (SFBA.social)
Attached: 2 images This is hilarious. It appears that Twitter is DDOSing itself. The Twitter home feed's been down for most of this morning. Even though nothing loads, the Twitter website never stops trying and trying. In the first video, notice the error message that I'm being rate limited. Then notice the jiggling scrollbar on the right. The second video shows why it's jiggling. Twitter is firing off about 10 requests a second to itself to try and fetch content that never arrives because Elon's latest genius innovation is to block people from being able to read Twitter without logging in. This likely created some hellish conditions that the engineers never envisioned and so we get this comedy of errors resulting in the most epic of self-owns, the self-DDOS. Unbelievable. It's amateur hour. #TwitterDown #MastodonMigration #DDOS #TwitterFail #SelfDDOS
AnarchoNinaWrites (@AnarchoNinaWrites@oliphant.social) (Oliphant Social)
Dear media folks covering the fascist tech sector: I need you re-read the sentence "She has a good reputation, and seems like a reliable business person even if she's working for an Afrikaner nazi supervillian to fix his rapidly breaking fascist discourse/trans pogrom machine company" again over and over and over and over until you understand what's wrong with it and why nobody likes you.
Siderea, Sibylla Bostoniensis (@siderea@universeodon.com) (Universeodon Social Media)
You know, it would be very helpful if our side learned to boil down our carefully observed and nuanced understandings to a thick sap that we can use to coat the rhetorical darts we fling at the other side. For instance, try this: "drag queens don't groom children, youth pastors do." Also: "the pedophiles are in youth ministry." Also: "yeah it's terrible how they cover up for sexual predators - oh, wait that was churches not drag shows." (Pro tip: say "churches", never "the Church", unless you want them to find you hilariously stupid.)