Aw, poor Max seems to be having a doggy hangover. Get better soon, Puppy.
@CalmWaters73 Know the feeling. It really sucks.
@seedofeulogy There’s a problem with anyone who offers classes to girls that young, as well as with any parents who register their daughters
@Tr_Diva Hey, that might be a new source of content for @blair_42
@jamminjerry You mean you’re not willing to barter this one for a stick of ram and a couple packs of smokes?
@stickbear Does that mean she’s livid at you, or livid because you were left alone.
@wiljames is being a pansy and not drinking with us.
Me and @msippi are drinking and smoking. Msippi is slurring her words and I’m pretty well gone. Good times!
I hate Bics. Hate hate hate hate Bics!
@msippi Mmmm Wolf.
@WilJames @msippi Mmmm lamb. So cute on my plate.
@WilJames @msippi Her snapper might, but she probably won’t. I hope she scratches you so hard and so often that you bleed.
@msippi Thank you very much!
@WilJames @msippi That’s not meat, it’s an extra belly button. You need tweezers to put that thing away.
Dear lighter: please stop being mean to me and light. I need another dose of nicotine because it helps with the headaches. No love, me.
@mektastic Yeah he’s a real piece of work.
@FreakyFwoof @reevesman Well, I was actually going to try to be professional about it, but you may have a point.
@reevesman I read that entry, and was completely disgusted. Considering writing a response.
@msippi See it thanks.
@stickbear Aw man that sucks. But at least you’re getting better and there are people tending to your injuries.