@squeakerbear Something for my stats class. Some sort of internet site or something.
You guys are not serious $64 for an access code!?
@ppatel How much does it run for? Do you happen to know offhand?
@FreakyFwoof Nope don’t mind the follow at all. Good afternoon to you. How’s the little one and the wife?
@ppatel Either way, my aunt and I get to figure this out during the semester which I don’t think is fair.
@ppatel I’m not sure DSS is capable of that, in more ways than one. We may have to use puff paint or something like that.
@ppatel My aunt’s going to be my notetaker in class and reader/tutor. As far as diagrams in tactile form, TBC
@solsticesinger Yes my aunt is willing to do it. And we may just have to be flexible behind their backs if they won’t accomodate.
@solsticesinger Both times I’ve tried to do this, the profs have had no idea and been scared out of their minds and scared to be creative.
@solsticesinger Or comp sci for that matter.
@solsticesinger Those were literally the choices they suggested. And I was also asked what I was going to do with a degree in infotech.
@solsticesinger And so they’re trying to get me to change my major to something stupid like pottery or ballet or something like that.
@solsticesinger How were you accomodated when you did your stats? So far noone around here seems to know how to do that
Today is a makeup Monday since we had a day off from classes for Labor Day. So that means statistics fun later today. More on my blog later.
@ppatel Which I suppose is a little more honest, since repubs spend and say they care about it.
@ppatel Except the dems will spend money and not claim to care about the budget.
@ppatel the little guy. Thus I really can’t acertain any difference between them.
@ppatel I think they pretty much both do the same thing. Care about big business behind the scenes and make noise about caring about TBC
@ppatel Yeah, but the problem is that the democrats are just another side of the same coin. Politicians are crooks.
@Mongwen No, no, no, no! I have to walk in the crap! Snow is bad!